yesterday. Yellow
Found construction material, and latex, 9’X12’X14’, 2010
Mile Post 5, Portland, OR
In yesterday. Yellow, fragmented debris from foreclosed properties, abandoned spaces, and closeout sales are sorted and reformatted to construct a landscape where the common place is glorified. This altered and seemingly 'empty' construction aims to transform the fragmented debris from its perceived banality and uselessness into a dynamic phenomenon that reinvents the mundane, the forgotten, and the foreclosed. Here, the flawed is perfected and the familiar obscured, rendering an emergent and difficult communication to be examined and relearned. Devoid of immediate sentiment, only the viewer can create an emotive space of hope, desire, and possibility.
The components of yesterday. Yellow with all their alterations, reanimate a visual dialogue to remind the viewer that what is obvious, is a wunderkammer of visual ploys embraced with conceptual hierarchy.